
Yitro and Moses James Tissot 1900

The parasha tells of Yitro’s (Jethro’s) organizational counsel to Moses and God’s revelation of the Ten Commandments to the Israelites at Mount Sinai.


Pharaoh's Army Engulfed by the Red Sea (1900 painting by Frederick Arthur Bridgman)

In Parashat Beshalach, Pharaoh changes his mind and chases after the Israelite people with his army, trapping them at the Sea of Reeds.


parashat bo The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt (1830 painting by David Roberts)

Parashat Bo tells of the last three plagues on Egypt and the first Passover.


Parashat Vaera - The Seventh Plague (1823 painting by John Martin)

Parashat Vaera tells of the first seven Plagues of Egypt.