
Joseph Interprets the Dream of Pharaoh_19th Century painting by Jean-Adrien Guignet

Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams, Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt, and Joseph’s testing of his brothers are all told in Parasha Miketz.

Parashat Miketz: Reading Between the Lines

Joseph Interprets the Dream of Pharaoh_19th Century painting by Jean-Adrien Guignet

By Rabbi Haim Ovadia Two years after Yosef correctly interpreted the dreams of the royal cupbearer and baker, Pharaoh had two disturbing dreams. He summoned all his advisors and sages but none of them provided a satisfying interpretation. The cupbearer, seeing an opportunity for reward, broke the silence regarding his criminal past, and told Pharaoh […]

Yosef: The Ultimate Sales Pitch

Joseph Yosef photo credit SDA Journal

Reading Between the Lines in Miketz Questions for discussion: In verse 41:14 we read that Yosef “shaved and changed clothes”. Whose initiative was it? Can it be proven from the grammar? How does Pharaoh echo Yosef’s language? How are Yaakov and Pharaoh similar in their treatment of Yosef? Why did Yosef create local and not […]