
The parashah describes Jacob’s desire for burial in Canaan, Jacob’s blessing of Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Menashe, Jacob’s blessing of his sons, Jacob’s death and burial, and Joseph’s death.

After struggling with a “man,” Jacob reconciles with Esau in this parasha. The prince Shechem rapes Dinah, and Dinah’s brothers sack Shechem in retaliation. Rachel gives birth to Benjamin and dies in delivery during the family’s subsequent departure.

After struggling with a “man,” Jacob reconciles with Esau in this parasha. The prince Shechem rapes Dinah, and Dinah’s brothers sack Shechem in retaliation. Rachel gives birth to Benjamin and dies in delivery during the family’s subsequent departure.

The parasha describes Jacob’s journey to Harran, stay there, and journey back. The parasha describes Jacob’s dream of a ladder to heaven, how he met Rachel at the well, how he lived with Rachel and Leah while working for Laban, how his children were born, and how Jacob’s family eventually left Laban.

The Toledot describes Jacob and Esau’s fight, Isaac’s passing off his wife Rebekah as his sister, and Isaac’s blessing of his sons.
Parasha of the Week: Vayeshev

Are You Really Sorry? By Rabbi Haim Ovadia [Gen. 37:1] Yaakov settled in the land of Canaan, where his father was a sojourner. [2] Despite having many children, Yaakov saw Yosef as his true descendant, because he was the son of his first and true love, Rachel. Though Binyamin was also Rachel’s, he carried the […]
Parasha of the Week: Vayishlach

Are You Really Sorry? By Rabbi Haim Ovadia The dramatic encounter between Yaakov and Esav provides an insight into the concept of indirect apology. Yaakov goes through the process of apology and forgiveness internally, positioning himself as both the offender and the offended. After he emerges from the process innocent or not guilty, he proceeds […]
Parasha of the Week: VaYetze

Please Listen Carefully! In the book “You Just Don’t Understand”, Deborah Tannen analyzes the different conversational styles of men and women. Tannen analyzed hundreds of conversations between men and women, and she explains that many of these dialogs go awry because the two sides are not really having a conversation. They are not talking to […]
Favorite Son vs. Man of the People

Choosing a college major is a tricky business. You start studying for the profession most in demand at the moment, just to find out four years later that the world has drastically changed. Programming, or coding, has been one exception and a safe bet for the last couple of decades, but this too is about […]