Parashat Behukotay: Questions and Answers for Kids

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Questions on Parashat HaShavua

שְׁאֵלוֹת לְפָרָשַׁת הַשָּׁבוּעַ: בְּחֻקּוֹתַי

HaShem promises בני ישראל that if they observe the Mitzvot they will receive many blessings.

  1. Which blessing is promised regarding rain (26:3)?
  2. Which blessing is promised regarding fruit trees (26:3)?
  3. Which blessing is promised regarding harvesting the fields (26:4)?
  4. Which blessing is promised regarding security (26:4)?
  5. Which blessing is promised regarding wild animals (26:5)?
  6. In chapter 26:6 the Torah says that a sword will not pass through the land. What is the meaning of the word “sword” here?
  7. What is the promise in this verse?
  8. Which blessing is promised regarding our enemies (26:8)?
  9. What does the Torah say about old food and new food (26:10)?
  10. Which blessing is promised regarding the Mishkan and what does it mean?
  11. The Torah says “התורות אשר נתן ה'”, meaning that HaShem gave בני ישראל two Torahs (26:46). What are the two Torahs?
Parashat Behukotay A picture containing fresh, variety

Answers for Parashat HaShavua – בְּחֻקּוֹתַי

  1. The rain will come in its season.
  2. The fruit trees will bear a lot of fruits.
  3. There will be so much wheat that the seasons of sowing and harvesting will overlap.
  4. בני ישראל will live safely in the land.
  5. There will be no dangerous wild animals in Israel.
  6. The meaning of the word “sword” is war.
  7. The Torah promises that there will be no war in Israel.
  8. Few of בני ישראל will be able to chase away many enemies.
  9. There will be so much food that בני ישראל will take out the old food to make room for the new food.
  10. HaShem will place His Mishkan among בני ישראל. That means that He will always be close to them.
  11. The rabbis explain that the two Torahs are the Written Torah and the Oral Torah – תורה שבכתב ותורה שבעל פה. The Written Torah is the five Chumashim. The Oral Torah is the Mishnah and the interpretation of the Mitzvot.

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