Aharei Mot 5: The Sins Of The Flesh

Sins of the flesh image

After the death of the sons of Aaron, and after instructing Aaron himself on how to perform the sacrifices, the Torah addresses to the common people who wish to make a sacrifice, or to consume meat, instructing them to bring the sacrifice to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting (Vayikra, 17: 8-9). Just after […]

Terumah 5: The arrangement of the sacred space

A la cinquena alià de la paraixà d’aquesta setmana, després d’informar-nos d’on es situarà l’arca del testimoni, la Torah ens diu que caldrà fer una partició, un «parohet» i el lloc on anirà. I que servirà de partició entre el kodeix-hakodaixim, on estarà l’arca, i el kodeix, la part interior del Tabernacle: «Tu penjaràs el […]

2022 Class and Activities Schedule

2022 Classes and Activities (1)

We are excited to announce our 2022 Classes and Activities Schedule. Thank you for taking the time to fill out our surveys and provide feedback. Your input has provided guidance and helped us develop our new schedule of classes and activities. Please take note of the new schedule changes that will take effect February 7, […]

Yitro 5: Revelation and Principle of Authority

Just abans de la revelació a Sinaí, «[el nom de les quatre lletres] va dir a Moisès, «Heus ací que Jo vindré a tu en l’espessor del núvol, per tal que el poble escolti quan Jo et parli, i ells també creuran en tu per sempre» (Xemot, Èxode, 19:9). Fins aquell moment, el Sant, beneït […]

Beshalach 5: learning to eat

The first thing the children of Israel receive, even before they are free, is the calendar. They need to start learning how to manage their time. That includes learning to postpone some things, such as eating hours.

Who is in the Details?


We are taught to believe that the text of the Torah is extremely economic and succinct, and that Torah and redundancy are mutually exclusive. We therefore cannot help but wonder why the Torah is so verbose when describing the construction of the Tabernacle. To answer this question, I think we should consider the phenomenon of […]

The Miracle Of Freedom Comes With Responsibility

There was no miracle in the house without blood on its posts. Maybe it’s for this that we are all reminded that every person, in every generation, has to see itself as if they were going out of Mitsraim.

Vaera 5: Twice The Pride Double The Frogs

The 2nd Plague of Frogs image credit Patheos

In the beginning of the 8th chapter in Shemot, God asks Moses to say to Aaron to hold his arm over the rivers, the canals and the ponds, and bring up the frogs on the land of Egypt. Funnily enough though and as in previous ocasions, the Pharoh’s magicians did the same with their spells […]

Individual and Society


The most sophisticated and detailed program could fail, even if it is Divine, without the engagement and commitment of the humans in charge of carrying it out.