Chaye Sara
The parasha tells the stories of Abraham’s negotiations to purchase a burial place for his wife Sarah and his servant’s mission to find a wife for Abraham’s son Isaac
Vayera (“He Appeared”) opens as guests inform Abraham that Sarah will give birth. Despite Abraham’s attempts to convince God otherwise, God destroys the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Sarah gives birth to Isaac, and Abraham sends away Hagar and Ishmael. At God’s command, Abraham prepares to sacrifice Isaac, but an angel of God tells Abraham to offer a ram instead.
Lech Lecha
We meet Abraham, the father of the Jewish people. Abraham is the forerunner, the knight of faith, who popularizes the concept of Ethical Monotheism.
The righteous Noah, his family, and a few chosen animals survive the flood on the ark he constructs in response to God’s order.